Squad Busters Wiki

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Squad Busters Wiki
Squad Busters Wiki


Open Chests in battle with Coins to add another Character to your Squad. Change over time starting at common chest at beginning to 2 minutes, then rare chests for 1 minute and for the final push epic chests!

Chest Cost[]

Opening a chest requires between 3 and 50 coins, depending on the number of characters in the squad. If the player picks up a Chest key Chest Key, the next chest opened will be free. Fusing units causes the chet price to drop, as a fusion unit counts as 1 instead of 3.

Units Chest Price
1 3 Coin
2 5 Coin
3 10 Coin
4 15 Coin
5 20 Coin
6 25 Coin
7 30 Coin
8 40 Coin
9+ 50 Coin


Battle Chests have specific odds for each rarity, and each chest slot.

Common Chests[]

Slot Common Rare Epic
Slot 1 85.0% 12.5% 2.5%
Slot 2 85.0% 12.5% 2.5%
Slot 3 85.0% 12.5% 2.5%

Rare Chests[]

Slot Common Rare Epic
Slot 1 37.5% 55.0% 7.5%
Slot 2 37.5% 55.0% 7.5%
Slot 3 - 100% -

Epic Chests[]

Slot Common Rare Epic
Slot 1 23.33% 40.00% 36.67%
Slot 2 23.33% 40.00% 36.67%
Slot 3 - - 100%

Lucky Find[]

After 2 minutes, theres a chance a lucky find will be offered instead of three characters. A lucky find consists of a single fused unit. The lower a squad is placed, the higher the odds of finding a lucky find.


Every battle, 3 Refreshes are offered. One refresh can be used per chest opened to re-draw the options. This may result in the same characters being drawn. Refreshing a lucky find does not guarantee another lucky find.
